HTW-EW002 is a Noise-Free room climate controller application for water-installation with fan coils/EC fan
/Modulating valve. It is designed as a RTU Modbus communicated device to operate the fan coil unit / EC Fan / Modulating Valve of a zone and includes a set of functions for lighting control, zone occupancy and window
position based climate control. A high level of comfort and appropriate climate control to ensure maximum energy savings are thus provided.
>> General
HTW-EW002 is a Noise-Free room climate controller application for water-installation with fan coils/EC fan
/Modulating valve. It is designed as a RTU Modbus communicated device to operate the fan coil unit / EC Fan / Modulating Valve of a zone and includes a set of functions for lighting control, zone occupancy and window
position based climate control. A high level of comfort and appropriate climate control to ensure maximum energy savings are thus provided.
The device is a compact unit that includes a large touch screen operated Black Color Negative Screen/ White Color LCD Screen optional, a built in temperature sensor, real touch screen keypads on the display part, and inputs and outputs built on split remote relay module for room control.
This split thermostat application includes two parts: Display Part and Relay Module Part.
These two parts are communicated via 3-wire with carrier transmission technology connections, up to 50m non- loss communication:
It provides a totally Noise-Free application due to its remote mounted relay module.
* AC controlling solutions | * Configurable for 2 pipe / 4 pipe systems |
* Black-Negative/White-LCD screen Optional | * Selectable temperature units (ºC/ºF) |
* Touch Key Pads:+T/-T/Setting/Fan speed/Model/On-Off | * Configurable max/min/economy temperature set points |
* Completely flat tempered glass screen-protect cover | * Configurable anti-humidity requency:10/30,5/30,5/60 |
* Keycard/Window Card switch contact | * Automatic device startup after loss of power |
* ON/Off 3 speeds / 1 speed configurable | * Configurable NO/NC valve outputs |
* EC fan Control with starting/max. voltage configurable | * Delayed switching to Economy when card is removed |
* Modulating Valve Output 0-10V / 2-10V configurable | * Switching Differential Dead Band configurable |
* Internal/External/In & EX dual Sensor | * Baud rate: 4800/9600/14400/19200 configurable |
* Noise-Free application with keypad operation buzzer | * Full/Half keypads lock |
* 3-wire between display-relay part up to 50m no data loss | * 2 wire /SPST/SPDT(2 pipe) valve compatible |
* 1/3/5 min auto-speed switching time configurable | * Keycard NO & NC types configurable |
* Temperature display calibration | * Aux. lighting Activate type: Push/Switch configurable |
>>Device Inputs and Outputs
1 Digital, keycard switch
1 Digital, window contact
1 Analog, ambient temperature sensor (internal)
3 Relays, fan coil speed (I,II,III)
1 Relay, chilled water valve
1 Auxiliary relay (hot water valve on 4 pipe systems / lighting on 2 pipe
1 Auxiliary relay for lamp
1 EC Fan DC 0-10V
1 Modulating Valve DC 0/2-10V
>>Wiring Diagram