HTW-TAV01 Series thermal actuators are signed for controlling control valves in HVAC automation systems. The thermal actuator can be controlled by 230Vac/24 Vac on/off control signal or PWM signal.
Datasheet-Thermal Actuator-HTW-TAV-01 Series.pdf
>> General
HTW-TAV01 Series thermal actuators are signed for controlling control valves in HVAC automation systems. The thermal actuator can be controlled by 230Vac/24 Vac on/off control signal or PWM signal.
The following figures illustrate the function principles of the thermal actuators.
>> Specification
Supply 230V/24V, 50/60Hz
Power consumption 2 W
Operating current 50 mA
Start-up current < 300 mA (max. 2 min.)
Force 95…105 N
Stroke ≥4.5~5.0mm
Running time approx. 180s (close / open)
Mounting by using an adapter ring (included)
Fluid temperature 0…100 °C
Ambient temperature 0…60 °C
Housing IP54, polyamide
>> Wiring Diagram
>> Operation
HTW-TAV01 actuator works on the thermal expansion principle:
• moves actuator stem in one direction in case of heating of the actuator and
• moves actuator stem in another direction in case of no heating of the actuator
>> Installation
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