Home Products Thermostats Underfloor Heating Thermostat 24V 230V HVAC electric thermal actuator for radiator water manifold room floor heating system
24V 230V HVAC electric thermal actuator for radiator water manifold room floor heating system
24V 230V HVAC electric thermal actuator for radiator water manifold room floor heating system 24V 230V HVAC electric thermal actuator for radiator water manifold room floor heating system 24V 230V HVAC electric thermal actuator for radiator water manifold room floor heating system 24V 230V HVAC electric thermal actuator for radiator water manifold room floor heating system 24V 230V HVAC electric thermal actuator for radiator water manifold room floor heating system

24V 230V HVAC electric thermal actuator for radiator water manifold room floor heating system

Product ID : HTW-TAV-01
Product Attributes :

HTW-TAV01 Series thermal actuators are signed for controlling control valves in HVAC automation systems. The thermal actuator can be controlled  by 230Vac/24 Vac on/off control signal or PWM signal. 

Product Description


Datasheet-Thermal Actuator-HTW-TAV-01 Series.pdf

 >> General                                     

HTW-TAV01 Series thermal actuators are signed for controlling control valves in HVAC automation systems. The thermal actuator can be controlled  by 230Vac/24 Vac on/off control signal or PWM signal. 

The following figures illustrate the function principles of the thermal actuators.


 >> Specification                           

Supply                                      230V/24V, 50/60Hz

Power consumption                 2 W

Operating current                    50 mA

Start-up current                       < 300 mA (max. 2 min.)

Force                                        95…105 N

Stroke                                       ≥4.5~5.0mm

Running time                        approx. 180s (close / open)

Mounting                                  by using an adapter ring (included)

Fluid temperature                    0…100 °C

Ambient temperature               0…60 °C

Housing                                   IP54, polyamide

 >> Wiring Diagram                       


 >> Operation                                    

HTW-TAV01 actuator works on the thermal expansion principle:

• moves actuator stem in one direction in case of heating of the actuator and

• moves actuator stem in another direction in case of no heating of the actuator

 >> Installation                                   


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